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Feldenkrais® Guilds' and Organizations' Websites

Disclaimer: please read. Feldenkrais Toronto West has provided resource information, through website links, on the Feldenkrais Method®. The information contained within this website, includes summaries and abstracts and is not to replace medical advice and medical treatment. The information is for educational purposes only. The resource links, summary/abstract descriptions and information listed on this website, uses wording obtained directly from the publication, and may not necessarily be comprehensive. As such, any information acquired from this website and resource links should be used in conjunction with other available resources and with the advice of healthcare professionals. This website and its content are provided on an “as is” basis. Feldenkrais Toronto West makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, up-to-date information, or timeliness of any of the resource links listed nor of their summary descriptions. These resource links to websites/articles/documents are provided as a resource for your own personal educational purposes only. These resource links do not necessarily represent the opinions of the owner of this website - Feldenkrais Toronto West. The names of research/document authors, and Feldenkrais® trainers and practitioners and their studios, are provided solely as a database of available resources.  Their inclusion on this website should not, in any way, be construed as a referral or confirmation of professional credentials.  For articles/documents in a different language Google Translate offers translation.  As with all internet connections, one should be protected by an effective antivirus program.  As websites are constantly undergoing revisions, this website and Feldenkrais Toronto West accepts no responsibility for these website links and cannot provide any assurance that future website changes may include some issues or problems. Please ensure that your computer is always protected with an effective antivirus program.

Feldenkrais Guild of North America

Feldenkrais Guild of North America

The Feldenkrais Guild® was established by Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc., in 1977, to be the professional organization of practitioners and teachers of the Feldenkrais Method. In 1997 we changed our name to the Feldenkrais Guild of North America (FGNA).
FGNA is a nonprofit, tax exempt, professional organization concerned with increasing public awareness of the Feldenkrais Method of somatic education, the certification and continuing education of practitioners, the protection of the quality of the Feldenkrais work, and research in the Method's effectiveness.

Anchor 1

Canadian Region

Canadian Region of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America

The Canadian Region is comprised of all ten provinces of the country; Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec*, and Saskatchewan; and the three territories; Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon.

Association Feldenkrais Québec

The Feldenkrais Québec Association (AFQ) is committed to ensuring the professional quality of its members. It promotes the establishment of standards for professional training and practice. It ensures that its members respect the standards of practice defined by the Feldenkrais Guild of North America (FGNA) and the code of ethics.

Anchor 2

Regions in The United States 

New England Feldenkrais Guild

The New England region is comprised of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont

Southwest/Rocky Mountain Region

The Southwest/ Rocky Mountain Region is comprised of Wyoming, Colorado, Western Texas, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. 

Southeast Region

The Southeast Region is comprised of Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. 

Northwest Region

The Northwest Region is comprised of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana.

Midwest Region

The Midwest Region is comprised of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

Eastern Region

The Eastern Region is comprised of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia.

Anchor 3

International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF)

International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF), in which 18 associations from North America, Europe and Australia have joined forces. Together with the other European and Israeli associations, the Feldenkrais Association Germany eV belongs to the European Training Accreditation Board Council (EuroTAB Council).

International Guilds

Feldenkrais Argentina

The Association Feldenkrais Argentina is a non-profit Civil Association. Founded in 1998 in Buenos Aires, it is integrated by professionals from all over the country and also from abroad, trained in Internationally Accredited Trainings. Its main objective is to guarantee excellent levels of quality in the application of the Feldenkrais® Method. To this end, it promotes activities aimed at the permanent education of its associates, aimed at allowing the exchange of ideas, case analysis and other topics emerging from the practice.

Australian Feldenkrais Guild

Established in 1987, The Australian Feldenkrais Guild Inc (AFG) is a non-profit membership organisation established to promote and advance the Feldenkrais Method® in Australia, to verify and maintain training standards, and to represent its members in liaison with Feldenkrais Guilds throughout the world.

FELDENKRAIS® Verband Österreich (Austria)

The FELDENKRAIS ® Association Austria is part of an international community and contributes to ensuring the quality of FELDENKRAIS ®  work and training, to further develop the method and to adapt it to the advancing scientific standards.

The association exists since 1990. [It] currently has nearly 300 members, the tendency is rising.

Association Feldenkrais Belgium asbl (Belgium)

The professional association of Feldenkrais practitioners in Belgium

The Feldenkrais method is an approach to learning through movement. Playful, it is characterized by the fine mobilization of the body, and aims at a greater autonomy of the person. All can benefit from this method: children, adults, seniors, facing a handicap, an illness or not, sportsmen, artists of all levels who wish to improve their performance as well as all those who would like to work better every day.

Asociación Chilena de Instructores Feldenkrais (Chile)

Chilean Association of Instructors Feldenkrais (ACHIF)

The  Chilean Association of Instructors Feldenkrais (ACHIF)  gathers and represents the instructors of the Feldenkrias ® Method who have been accredited in a training recognized by the International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF - International Feldenkrais Federation).

De Nederlandse Feldenkrais Vereniging  (Dutch)

(Nederlandse Feldenkrais Vereniging - Dutch Feldenkrais Association (NFV))

By increasing our awareness of our movements, the Feldenkrais Method brings us closer to realizing our full human potential. We can learn to move more freely, with greater ease, flexibility and grace / elegance. The method can permanently promote our posture, balance and coordination, our innate capacity / opportunity for lifelong vitality and continuous self-development. Feldenkrais is Awareness through Moving.  Feldenkrais is for everyone, regardless of age, experience or condition.

Suomen Feldenkraisyhdistys ry (Finland)

The Feldenkrais Association of Finland, Feldenkraisföreningen i Finland rf

The purpose of the association is to promote and support the Feldenkrais® method in Finland and to make known the activities

of internationally recognized Feldenkrais® instructors in Finland.

Feldenkrais Toronto West and Feldenkrais

L’association Feldenkrais-France

The Feldenkrais-France association celebrated its 30th anniversary Many Feldenkrais and public practitioners

were celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Feldenkrais-France association.

FVD Feldenkrais Verband Deutschland e.V. (Germany)

Welcome at FVD Feldenkrais Verband Germany e. V., the professional association of the FELDENKRAIS® Practitioner in Germany!

We get you moving and offer you space for your own personal development. Come to balance . Discover how light and upright you can feel. 
Gain movement travel and fresh ideas for the head and body. Marvel at your own, unimaginable competences and trust your spontaneity , the ability to find new solutions on your own.

The Israeli Feldenkrais Guild (IFG)

A few years ago the Israeli Feldenkrais Guild formulated its vision in a two-fold way: the vision outwards and the vision inwards . The vision outwards dealt with our efforts to make the Feldenkrais Method available and accessible to everyone in the country, preferably through the educational and public health systems as well as through actively advertising the method and its benefits to the public at large. The vision inwards had to do with our own practitioners' community, its welfare, its professional development and its interpersonal relations.

Italian Association of Teachers of the Feldenkrais® Method

AIIMF is a non-profit association founded in 1987 with the aim of disseminating and safeguarding the work of Moshe Feldenkrais, and brings together professionals who, trained in officially recognized courses, continue their work

Feldenkrais Japan

Feldenkrais Japan, Inc. was established in 2003. It has it's office in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Feldenkrais Japan organizes Feldenkrais Professional

Training and high quality advanced training and workshops.   This training is accredited by the Australian Training Accreditation Board. 

La Asociación Mexicana del Método Feldenkrais® A. C.  (Mexico)

The Mexican Association of the Feldenkrais® Method AC wishes to share, disseminate and promote the Feldenkrais® Method, a system of learning and self-discovery of the biomechanical nature of the movement, which stimulates and promotes the integral development of the individual, by improving the quality of their daily movement .

New Zealand Feldenkrais Guild Inc (NZFG)

The New Zealand Feldenkrais Guild Inc (NZFG) is concerned with maintaining the quality and integrity of the practice of the Feldenkrais

Method® in New Zealand. It is a member of the International Feldenkrais Federation.

NFAFP The Norwegian Confederation of Authorities in Feldenkrais

Norsk Forbund for Autoriserte Feldenkraispedagoger (NFAFP)

The Feldenkrais method is a learning method based on experience-based understanding of bodily learning and development, the child's natural development and learning, physical and biomechanical principles, inherent opportunities for learning and new learning at the individual, as well as the body's inherent knowledge of functional movement.

El Metodo Feldenkrais   (Spain)

Asociacion Feldenkrais Espana

Svenska Forbundet for Auktoriserade Feldenkraispedagoger (SFAF) (Sweden)

Feldenkrais® raises awareness of movement patterns, breathing and posture. Through simple natural movements, the brain learns how the body works optimally. 
The method teaches how a movement becomes easier, freer, more comfortable so that it can be performed with the utmost effort for the best possible function. Balance, balance and coordination are improved. 
It opens up opportunities for a more comfortable life with greater flexibility.

SFV Schweizerischer Feldenkrais Verband  (Switzerland)

SFV, the professional association of Feldenkrais practitioners in Switzerland.

We create conditions so that you can treat yourself to new (movement) possibilities!

With our SBFI eidg. Approved method as complementary therapy.

The conscious perception of movements and physical experimentation open up new possibilities for increased well-being and better efficiency in life with the Feldenkrais Method ® 

The Feldenkrais Guild UK (Britain)

The Feldenkrais Guild UK is the non-profit professional organisation of practitioners and teachers of the Feldenkrais Method® in the UK.

By heightening our awareness of our movement, breathing and posture, the Feldenkrais Method® brings us closer to realising our full human potential. Bringing this into our lives, we learn to move more freely, with greater ease, flexibility and grace. The Method can permanently improve our posture, balance and coordination, awakening our innate capacity for life-long vitality and continuing self-development.

Anchor 4

Training Accreditation Boards

Australian Training and Accreditation Board (AusTAB)

European Training Accreditation Board (EuroTAB)

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